MAIOR offers qualified customer support, training, and consulting services

Product Specialists

focused on startup and consulting

Project Managers

dedicated to managing projects aiming for customer satisfaction

Customer Support Specialists

dedicated to customer support service


The Project Managers team manages all aspects of the project, including planning, organizing, and implementing project activities. All of our Project Managers have more than 10 years of experience managing projects for public transportation companies and mobility agencies.

The Product Specialists or Customer System Deployment team guides our customers from the project's kick-off to the system deployment. All of our Product Specialists are Transportation Engineers with relevant industry experience.

The Customer Support Specialists team supports the customer in all phases of post-startup and maintenance. All of our Customer Support Specialists are college graduates and have a deep knowledge of the MAIOR Transit Scheduling Suite.


Entirely dedicated Startup and Training Plans

For each project, a dedicated Project Manager defines and shares with the client the objectives and an activity plan following the customer's real needs, and defining the timeframe and resources to be deployed.

In the Operational Review or process analysis phase, MAIOR consultants help improve and refine working flows through the use of our software solutions.

For each project and each customer, the team of Product Specialists builds a customized training plan aimed at giving the client the tools needed to make the most effective and efficient use of the new system.

Training on the Job


Each customer has two dedicated Product Specialists who take care of its training, with online or in-person meetings and sessions, theoretical lessons, and exercises specific to each individual reality.

Dedicated on-the-job training sessions, in which Product Specialists work alongside the client on a daily basis on data and real-world case studies.


Training on the Job

Support Services and Web Portal for Ticket Management

Every customer has access to support services. The team of Customer Support Specialists is available to each customer to help them in using the software and to support them in facing new challenges using the system.

Every customer has access to the online portal dedicated to managing requests for advice or reporting problems.

Traceability and Transparency


All communications, whether external with the customer or internal with development teams, are done with trouble ticketing systems, so that all progress on ticket status is tracked, thus keeping the customer constantly informed.


Reports and performance indicators are available to monitor the support received.

Traceability and Transparency

MAIOR School and MAIOR E-Learning

In 2015 MAIOR introduced an additional training service for its customers.

The purpose of MAIOR School is to provide advanced training, going further the sole operative side of MAIOR's solutions.

Thus, every year our customers are invited to a series of face-to-face lessons, during which they’re given insights on the use of the MAIOR Transit Scheduling Suite to ease and optimize their processes. It’s a great occasion for transportation companies to meet and share their experience. MAIOR School’s offer and activities are managed by two Senior Master Product Specialists

In 2020, in addition to the MAIOR School, we wanted to provide our customers with more training opportunities, and we launched the MAIOR E-learning.

MAIOR E-learning consists of a series of webinars with a more informative purpose, including interactive moments, where our Senior Master Product Specialists show the many possibilities of the MAIOR Transit Scheduling Suite by putting them into context with current industry events and trends.