MAIOR Event - Privacy Policy

Last updated: 05.09.2022

Pursuant to Article 13 of the European Regulation 2016/679 on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the free movement of such data (henceforth GDPR), we inform you that registration for the Event implies the simultaneous granting of consent for the use by M.A.I.O.R. SRL (henceforth MAIOR) of the subscriber's identification data, as well as photographs, audio/video footage taken at the event itself and/or statements freely made in that circumstance, for the following purposes:

  • communication, publication and/or dissemination, in any form, on the company's website, LinkedIn, and Instagram profiles, as well as event summary material;
  • storage in MAIOR's archives.

In the event that you wish to revoke this consent, or to exercise all the rights indicated in Articles 15 to 22 and Article 34 of the GDPR, we invite you to make this known by written communication to be sent to the e-mail address: maior[@]

MAIOR, as the Data Controller, with registered office in Via S.Donato 512 - 55100 Lucca, also provides you with the following information:

1. Methods of data processing:
The aforementioned personal data will be subject to processing operations in compliance with current legislation and the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and confidentiality. These data will be processed by computer tools, on paper and/or on any other type of suitable support, in compliance, in any case, with the security measures provided for by the GDPR.

2. Communication and dissemination of data:
Within the limits relevant to the processing purposes disclosed, personal data may be subject to communication to other clients of MAIOR itself as well as to its Parent Company, based outside the EU. For data communication recipients based outside the EU, MAIOR undertakes to put in place the necessary safeguards to ensure that the transfer takes place in accordance with the requirements of Chapter V of the GDPR.

3. Retention Period:
The data collected will be retained by MAIOR for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which they are processed. In any case, verification of the obsolescence of the retained data, in relation to the purposes for which it was collected, will be carried out at least annually. The lists of adhesions to each specific event, promoted by MAIOR, are kept by it as proof of the consents expressed.

4. Data Controller:
The data controller is M.A.I.O.R. s.r.l., with registered office in Via S. Donato, 512 - 55100 LUCCA.

5. Rights of the interested party
Finally, we remind you that, in accordance with Articles 15 to 21 of the Regulation, you have the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of data concerning you, to obtain information on the origin, purposes and methods of processing, updating, rectification, integration of data as well as their cancellation. You have, likewise, the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you believe that the rights indicated herein have not been granted to you.

To exercise these rights, please contact the Data Controller by writing to M.A.I.O.R. s.r.l., with registered office in Via S. Donato, 512 - 55100 LUCCA, by sending an e-mail to maior[@] or by contacting us HERE.