MAIOR Transit Scheduling Suite

The best-in-class transit optimization software solution for designing, planning, and managing fixed-route services is the MAIOR Transit Scheduling Suite. The MAIOR suite simplifies and optimizes your scheduling process to ensure that you are creating reliable service in the most economical and efficient manner possible.

Transit agencies and operators can manage bus, streetcar, light rail and metro vehicles, and can optimize their service planning and scheduling for urban, suburban, and regional services. The suite works as a complete toolbox for the entire operations' planning and allows users to have full control of variables so that the optimal solution is tailored and useful. 

Discover here the series of some of the features present in the latest version of the MAIOR transit scheduling software.

Optimize Schedules for Electric Vehicles

The MAIOR Transit Scheduling Suite helps public transportation agencies and operators in their transition to a fully electric fleet. The entire suite consents to manage all that matters when managing electric vehicles, including battery types, charging types, discharging rates,  vehicle types, and recharging stations' locations.

Schedulers can easily define battery types, charging parameters, and minimum battery levels, so that the vehicle blocking algorithm can immediately optimize your electric vehicle schedules, making sure that the charging strategy meets the available infrastructure.

The Scheduling functionality provides graphic information on the level of discharge to help schedulers keep electric vehicles' charging process under control.

Optimize Schedules for Electric Vehicles

Ensure your Business Continuity

By using web applications from different devices and browsers, or with different network speeds, users may complain of slowdowns in the service planning. Companies need to be sure that the performance of systems to plan the network, timetable, vehicles and driver duties are always optimal to ensure business continuity.

The MAIOR Transit Scheduling Suite automatically monitors the overall efficiency of the system, whether it works on-premises or cloud, in terms of the runtime of critical operations. With the dedicated tool, admins can verify not only the time in which the system processes information but all the waiting times perceived by users. Application opening time, duty creation, algorithm execution time, are just a few examples of the many types of operations that can be monitored.

Ensure your Business Continuity

Validate your Scheduled Service Quality

When addressing a manual change in the timetables, supervisors may need to be sure that all trips' commercial speed respect a target value or that the recovery times duration is in between certain thresholds.

Likewise, public transport authorities might need to check that trips are associated with the right bus operator for contract purposes.

Users of the MAIOR Transit Scheduling Suite can easily make data validations on a specific scenario or a date range, to a single module or across the entire system before making any changes effective.

Validate your Scheduled Service Quality

Build Vehicle Blocks and Drivers Duties keeping costs and efficiency under control

To verify that the company's resource utilization is meeting business and operational needs, the MAIOR Transit Scheduling Suite calculates KPIs for your blocking and run-cutting in real-time. Thus, each time there’s a change in the schedules, the user can view immediately the impact on the overall solution.

The Scheduling module allows transit schedulers to determine if resources are used efficiently, they can identify potential problems, and verify whether a particular strategy achieves its predicted targets.

Total vehicle blocks, total driver duties, total cost, total spread, and total deadhead miles, are some of the indicators that help users measure the service's operating efficiency.

Build Vehicle Blocks and Drivers Duties keeping costs and efficiency under control

Improve Mobility with Scheduled Transfers

Scheduled Transfers help agencies and operators increase the quality of mobility and contribute to enhancing passengers' experience by linking arriving and departing trips.

Using strategic common stops, like stations or schools, riders can easily make line-changes, and transit operators can benefit from both better network control and better timetable planning. 

The MAIOR transit scheduling software allows users to define which lines or directions are the right pairs to link and determine in which time bands these pairs are valid.

Improve Mobility with Scheduled Transfers

Configure your Holidays to Plan your Service Accurately

The MAIOR suite help transit agencies and operators benefit from a flexible configuration of holidays.

It's possible to tailor operational calendars, including:

-National holidays
-Religious holidays
-Unofficial holidays

Configure your Holidays to Plan your Service Accurately

Work Simultaneously on your Planning and Scheduling

The split-screen feature allows MAIOR users to visualize and work in two functionalities simultaneously.

Working immersively and comfortably between two functionalities allows users to have a broad view of the planning and scheduling task they're performing, which increases the efficacy of the service planning.

Work Simultaneously on your Planning and Scheduling

Tailor your Working Environment

The MAIOR transit scheduling software provides users a personalized working environment experience.

The software application has different features to facilitate the ease of use, such as:

-The ability to set a customizable desktop wallpaper

-The access to functionalities or scenarios directly from the desktop

-The possibility of working on timetables or duties using a tabular or graphical view 

Tailor your Working Environment

Set different Dwell Times at Stops

The dwell time is the time that the vehicle is at an intermediate stop. It is the time where passengers can get on and off and the doors are open. Using differentiated dwell times at stops throughout the day will help schedulers better reflect on and off-peak hours of passenger activity.

When using smartly, dwell time can help drivers respect the schedules, especially in case of minor delays. 

Moreover, the overall service performance can benefit from tailored dwell times, as it will increase the running times' efficiency of all routes in the transit network.

Set different Dwell Times at Stops

Boost your On-Time Performance

The run time analysis algorithm embedded in the MAIOR transit scheduling software is an indispensable support for accurate timetable planning.

Combining statistical methods with operational research optimization techniques, the dedicated functionality automatically calculates driving times using data from your ITS system and determines the best run times and the correct time bands to use throughout the day so that you can organically improve your on-time performance.

Using optimized running times, transit agencies and operators can improve their timetable service planning by simply adjusting planned trips durations to the actual traffic behavior in cities.

Boost your On-Time Performance

Synchronize Lines at Nodes to Improve Mobility

Using common stops to synchronize routes and lines can increase the level of service

The MAIOR transit scheduling software consents the creation of trips from different lines and routes that are organically synchronized at certain stops.

This automatic functionality ensures a better passenger experience and more efficient use of resources.

Synchronize Lines at Nodes to Improve Mobility

Model your Vehicle Fleet

The MAIOR suite encourages users to define and customize all the vehicle settings to make sure that blocking optimization's output will adhere to the fleet's characteristics.

Users can create and manage customized attributes, like:

-Vehicle's characteristics: Code, class, passenger capacity, disability seats, ability to transport bicycles

-Driving characteristics: Required driver qualifications

-Electric vehicles' characteristics: Charging and autonomy time


Model your Vehicle Fleet

Keep your Transit Network Precise

Use stops projection to the street axis in order to design and manage your lines with the greatest precision

Network stops can be easily re-aligned with respect to their street axis to calculate routes' links with exactness.

Being meticulous with stop projections improves next' stop announcements correctness, and guarantees the proper routes' length.

Keep your Transit Network Precise

Choose your Measurement System

MAIOR understands that customization helps users be more efficient and quick.

The MAIOR suite consents users to tailor their working environment by allowing each user to use a setup configuration that best adjusts to its preferences.

Users can choose their preferred:

-Measure system: International or American System
-Time format: 12h or 24h using minutes or seconds

Choose your Measurement System

Customize your Recovery Times

Recovery time or layover are often used interchangeably, although technically layover time is rest time for the operator between trips while recovery time is time built into the schedule to ensure an on-time departure for the next trip. 

In both cases, the MAIOR transit scheduling software allows users to effortlessly plan vehicle schedules using different recovery times at the transit terminal. Plus, schedulers can manage different recovery times according to time bands.

The possibility to establish the time between arrival and departure of a vehicle at a transit terminal will help your transit company better manage the cycle time or round-trip cycle time, by operating more efficiently.

Customize your Recovery Times

Compare Timetable Simulations

Users of the MAIOR transit scheduling software can easily play, thanks to the embedded timetable algorithm, diverse simulations to explore solutions with higher efficiency and more significant cost savings.

The dedicated functionality to compare scenarios allows users to analyze in detail timetable solutions and rule compliance.

The compare simulations tool eases the decision-making and highlights differences in terms of: Inbound and outbound and total number of trips, total revenue time, total recovery time, total passengers or service capability, number of vehicles, and more.


Compare Timetable Simulations

Optimize Headways in Urban Corridors

In most transit systems, there are "common corridors" between different routes. Intertiming or coordinating schedules along this network segment will help the transit company provide more even frequencies and transport passengers with more balanced passenger loads.

The MAIOR transit scheduling software allows users to automatically plan synchronized routes along with network segments guaranteeing an optimal timetable schedule that helps improve mobility

The timetable design functionality plans vehicles to be evenly spaced along the corridor so that the service frequency can maintain its evenness. Moreover, by scheduling intertiming trips will help the company prevent bunching.

Optimize Headways in Urban Corridors

Manage all Settings in One Place

Like in your operating system environment, with the MAIOR Scheduling Suite you have the control of your fundamental planning and scheduling parameters in a single panel, like:

-Typologies: Lines types, pattern categories, vehicle classes, vehicle types (like 12m, 18m, electric vehicles, and trolley bus), vehicles in depots, run times levels, service levels, driver qualifications, among others.

-Scheduling basis: Operating days, holidays, recovery times, run times, deadhead times, service levels, service versions, and more.

-Rule set: Global constraints, rule sets, costs, break coverage.

-User settings: Background configuration and measure system (SI or USCS).

Manage all Settings in One Place

Verify Timetable Inconsistencies with just one click

The MAIOR Suite guarantees its users the possibility to plan public transport service trips in compliance with the rules and network constraints, especially in the phase of manual timetable modification, when it is easier to make mistakes.

The features available in the MAIOR suite highlight trips that violate project data or network constraints, so that users can quickly identify and correct inconsistencies.

Some possible controls are related to: Minimum and maximum speed, vehicle size and compatibility with the road, one-way streets compliancy, recovery/dwell/run time duration, single track compliancy, and run times.

Verify Timetable Inconsistencies with just one click

Make better decisions with dedicated Dashboards

The business intelligence functionality within the MAIOR transit scheduling software helps decision-makers extract the right information from the planning and scheduling data universe and easily transform these data into useful dashboards and summaries.

The dedicated module has unlimited possibilities to aggregate data in reports or graphs to improve service planning and scheduling.

Users can create dynamic dashboards and to calculate and monitor key performance indicators (like service frequency, punctuality, and total non-revenue miles or KMs).

Make better decisions with dedicated Dashboards

Find all the Changes made to the Schedules

The MAIOR suite guarantees maximum transparency. On a single tool, administrative users can track who made what changes down to the detailed data elements within the MAIOR suite.

Searches are made with the help of filters on the object type, user, scenario, functionality or keyword, as well as the creation, modification, deletion, copying, or promotion of an object so that to always know who did what.

Find all the Changes made to the Schedules

Look for any Planning and Scheduling Element

The MAIOR transit scheduling software helps users to fastly find planning and scheduling elements of the suite, like scenarios, lines, patterns, trips, unique codes, lines types, blocks, runs, etc.

With one click, users can quickly open the module that contains the searched element.

Moreover, it's easy to open the traceability functionality to verify all changes made.

Look for any Planning and Scheduling Element

Add Notes to your Planned Services

Users of the MAIOR transit scheduling software can search, create, and edit notes associated with the stops, nodes, lines, patterns, trips, leave times, blocks, runs.

On a single tool, users can manage both internal and external notes within the planning and scheduling modules. For instance, runs might include notes just for drivers and trips can include notes for riders.

Users can define specific recipients of notes and can export all notes with just one click.

Add Notes to your Planned Services

Compare Vehicle Blocking and Driver Duties Scheduling Results

Users of the MAIOR transit scheduling software can easily compare between different vehicle blocking or driver duties scheduling results.

The dedicated tool to perform scheduling comparisons generates intuitive dashboards, summaries, and tables to allow decision-makers to choose the right scheduling solution for the transit company.

The tool provides a summary of total duties, total cost, total spread, total time, total revenue service, efficiency percentage, and more.

Compare Vehicle Blocking and Driver Duties Scheduling Results

Divide Users with Tailored Profiles and Rules

The MAIOR transit scheduling software allows all transit companies to have full control of users' data permissions and profiles while ensuring the right user access and full system control and security.

The admin user has the ability to configure, modify, or maintain the access or permissions for each user, which can be profiled by:

-Role: Admin, analyst, user, reader, or specific functionality user

-Team: Group, sub-groups, or working areas

-Access Level: Limited to full

-Dataset: Available functionalities, service mode, service version, or network portion

Divide Users with Tailored Profiles and Rules

Level up your Scheduling Game

The MAIOR transit scheduling software includes a variety of default parameters and fields. However, it allows users to create tailored fields to ensure that the scheduling data is aligned with the company's information needs.

Users can create and assign quantitative and qualitative fields to certain objects, such as stops, nodes, lines, patterns, stop areas and zones, vehicle types, trips, and leave times, blocks, and runs. Fields can include dates, numbers, text, yes or no characteristic, among others.

Level up your Scheduling Game

Work on new Scheduling Scenarios

There are many situations in which users may prefer to work on a separated and controlled environment, instead of working on the official 'on-production' environment. 

With the Scenario functionality, the MAIOR software allows users to create, modify, analyze, and evaluate any changes made to the service data, and verify their consistency and compliance before making them effective.

Scenarios can include assessing costs due to potential new union rules, designing new schedules to address changes in mobility demand or run times, or creating new vehicle blocks to handle more electric vehicles.

Work on new Scheduling Scenarios

Produce Vehicle Schedules with complete Flexibility

During the vehicle blocking process users may have exceptional needs and plan a unique vehicle block. In this case, the Scheduling module allows users to create the block manually. Users may also choose different trips and the system will automatically create the vehicle block adding deadheads where needed.
In case a user selects a trip to start a vehicle block with, the system will automatically suggest compatible trips helping the user increase the efficiency of the duty.
Using the integrated vehicle blocking algorithm, users can let the system build optimized vehicle schedules, for the entire service or just for a portion of the service keeping manual blocks untouched.

Produce Vehicle Schedules with complete Flexibility